A Bibliometric Analysis of Poverty Research in the Context of Social Policies

Sosyal Politikalar Bağlamında Yoksulluk Araştırmalarının Bibliyometrik Analizi


  • Mustafa KULLUK Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığı
  • Nurbanu UZUNOĞLU ANAR https://orcid.org/0009-0008-7313-1497
  • Abdulkadir DEVELİ https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7800-0225


Social policy, bibliometric analysis, poverty


In this article, which aims to present a bibliometric analysis of academic research in the field of social policies and poverty and to systematically evaluate trends in the literature, influential authors, important research topics and developments over time; Valuable insights provided by the bibliometric method in research on poverty and clues for future studies and policy-making processes are discussed. A bibliometric study offers a valuable method in giving a general idea about the content of the study by presenting the focus points and important highlights of the article to the reader. The aim of the study is to determine the main themes in the literature related to "social policy" and "poverty" and to prepare a basis that will contribute to future research trends on the concept of "poverty" in the field of "social policy". For this purpose, 399 research articles in the Web of Science (WoS) Core Collection database were included. R software was used for the study conducted with the bibliometric analysis method. Within the scope of the study, comparative findings of 5-year English language data scanned on the WoS basis from 2018, where articles on "poverty" in the field of "social policy" are discussed, until the end of 2022 are included. In the analysis, it was determined that the most cited research article was related to new management regulations and policy orientations in EU social policy. It seems that the magazine that most deals with the issues of social policy and poverty together is "Social Policy & Administration" published by Wiley Publishing. As a result of the study, it was revealed that scientific publications related to social policy and poverty are increasing in terms of diversity and interaction.


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How to Cite

KULLUK, M., UZUNOĞLU ANAR, N., & DEVELİ, A. (2023). A Bibliometric Analysis of Poverty Research in the Context of Social Policies: Sosyal Politikalar Bağlamında Yoksulluk Araştırmalarının Bibliyometrik Analizi. Journal of Quantitative Research in Social Sciences, 3(2), 132–151. Retrieved from https://www.sobinarder.com/index.php/sbd/article/view/68